From a CSV to your Database

01 Apr 2021

Sometimes datas are on a a CSV and you have to store those datas in your DB. My first intuition, (which is rarely the most performant) to populate the DB would be to: open, read and an create objects with a Model.find_or_create_by. Something like this :

require 'csv'
appellations_filepath = File.join(__dir__,'../../db/data/appellations_bourgogne.csv')

CSV.foreach(appellations_filepath) do |row|
  Appellation.find_or_create_by(name: row[0],
                                wine_region: row[1],
                                country: row[2])

It works fine, but let’s have a look to the perf. For 128 lines this method last approximatively : 0.80s on my machine. you can test by adding those lines in between your function :

start =
# the function you want to test
finish =
p execution_time = finish - start
# 0.80613

So now, here is the trick, instead of creating an element at every row of the CSV, we can use plain old SQL with the COPY function.

appellation_filepath = File.join(__dir__,'../../db/data/appellations_bourgogne.csv')

	# the magic is there 👇
  sql = <<-SQL
  COPY public.appellations (name, wine_sub_region, wine_region, country, origin_label)
  FROM '#{appellation_filepath}'


	finish =
  p execution_time = finish - start
	# 0.001766s !!!

And guess what ! It’s bloody more efficient 0.001766s VS 0.80. At this stage you may think well it’s useless. But for 1 million lines it’s 10s VS > 1h

So thank you JOJO for the tip !